Monday- Friday

8:30 am - 2:00 pm

2515 Falls Avenue

Waterloo, Iowa 50701

Phone: 319-235-6085

Fax: 319-232-8515


Rubber Stamps

4750 Printy Dater  text plate in the dimensions of 1 x 1 5/8, with date size 5/32. $32.00 4800 Printy Dater  Moderm design, Lightweight, sturdy plastic frame. Minimum 10 year band. $20.00
4810 Printy Dater Moderm design, Lightweight, sturdy plastic frame. Minimum 10 year band. $16.00 4817 Printy Dater Printy dater with date (size 5/32), left beside date text (bold characters). Following texts are available: ANSWERED, Backordered, CANCELLED, BILLED, RECEIVED, CHARGED, CHECKED, DELIVERED, ENTERED, PAID, SHIPPED, FAXED. Easy setting of date or text by turning the dateband wheels. $28.00
4911 Grey Printy Plate size max. 9/16 x 1 1/2, suggested lines of text: up to 4. $16.00 4912 Grey Printy   Plate size max. 3/4 x 1 7/8, suggested lines of text: up to 5. $17.00
4913 Grey Printy  Plate size max. 7/8 x 2 3/8, suggested lines of text: up to 6. $18.00 4915 Grey Printy  Plate size max. 1 x 2 3/4, suggested lines of text: up to 6. $20.00
4921 Black Printy Plate size max. 1/2 x 1/2, suggested lines of text: up to 3. $18.00 4922 Black Printy Plate size max. 13/16 x 13/16, suggested lines of text: up to 5. $20.00
4926 Grey Printy Plate size max. 1 1/2 x 3, suggested lines of text: up to 10. $21.00 46030 Grey Printy  Plate size diameter max. 1 3/16, suggested lines of text: up to 7. Other ink colors available. $28.00